Wood components are durable and present an excellent balance in energy and CO2, thus providing an important contribution to climate protection. Wood has low thermal conductivity and thus provides an important thermal insulation, enabling both a reduction in thickness of the cavities and insulating layers and a reduction in the consumption of management throughout the year. In addition, wood is breathable and acts as a natural moisture regulator: it absorbs when the surroundings are moist and gives away when they are dry, thus creating an internal microclimate. It has an incredible vapor permeability, favoring the spontaneous release of odors and stale air.


Multilayered wooden structures, in combination with insulating materials, transform environments into real oasis of privacy and tranquility, an essential characteristic for a 360° habitat welfare. This way, thermal and acoustic performance are such that they be classified as the best energy classes, recognized at an international level.

temp&consumi ENG-01