Technical Course on X-Lam Multi-Storey Buildings | Milan, 6 and 7 November 2014
The course on wooden buildings and multi-storey wooden buildings returns again this year. The course is specially tailored for architects and technical professionals in the construction industry, and aims to broaden knowledge on the current situation and future potential of the wood construction industry on the national and international levels.
Date and Time of Courses
Technical course on wooden buildings: 6 November 2014, 08:30-18:30
Technical course on multi-storey wooden buildings: 7 November 2014, 08:30-18:30
Lunch and coffee included for all participants
Course location
Polytechnic University of Milan, Città Studi campus
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32
Building No. 5 – Castigliano Room
20133 Milano
Professional Training Credits (PTC)
PPC Architects: the National Council of Architects, Landscape Architects, Planners and Curators (CNAPPC) has granted promo_legno – the association for the promotion of wood – authorisation to carry out training events valid for professional training credits, as of Resolution No. 10/2014 of 14/05/2014 (Article 7, paragraph 2 of Presidential Decree No. 137 of 07/08/2012). The basic course is worth eight PTCs.
Engineers: having evaluated the professional training content and teaching method, the Milan Order of Engineers has decided that the event should carry seven PTCs
Wooden buildings course | Milan, 6 November 2014
Il corso approfondisce il tema delle costruzioni in legno, in particolare l’utilizzo dei pannelli di legno massiccio a strati incrociati XLAM.
The course takes a closer look at wooden constructions, with particular focus on the use of XLam cross-laminated solid wood panels.
The course, on the construction of wooden buildings, is designed for technically qualified participants, preferably architects who have already attended the basic promo_legno course.
The course is made up of a day of lectures (eight hours) and is organised by promo_legno, in collaboration with:
Graz University of Technology (Austria), Institute of Timber Engineering and Wood Technology
University of Trento, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering (DICAM)
To register for the course or to find out more, please visit www.promolegno.itI
Programme: Wooden buildings course
Characteristics, properties and features of XLam
Andrea Bernasconi
Principal characteristics of XLam panels (construction material for structural use)
Calculation principles (sheet, plate), fire, base and walls
Andrea Bernasconi
Calculation principals for sizing of XLam panels structural elements
Italian and European technical norms for wood construction
Marco Luchetti
Definition of conformity of timber products and responsibilities of industry professionals
Joints and connections
Roberto Tomasi, Maurizio Piazza
XLam panel structure joints. Types, constructions and calculation basics
Wooden structures reaction to fire
Maurizio Follesa
Principles, norms, evaluations
Technical physics of wooden buildings
Günther Gantioler
Aspects of technical physics applied to wood-based construction: insulation, transmission, vapour, site design
Past examples
Alberto Alessi
Possibilities for the use of XLam panels in construction, using examples of past projects
Cost of course attendance
Individual course attendance fee
€300 (+ VAT 22%)
Payment of this fee entitles you to:
- Complete documentation of lectures in digital format
- Promo_legno handbooks and magazines
- Lunch on the day
- Certificate of attendance issued by university partners
Course on multi-storey wooden buildings | Milan, 7 November 2014
The course focuses on the real-world application and practical execution of large-scale wooden buildings, from planning to on-site construction. The main topic is large-scale buildings which require a heightened understanding of the planning and execution phases.
The course is designed for professionals involved in the construction and execution phases: building designers and specialists who work with wood, architects, structural engineers, public administration technicians.
The course consists of a day of lectures (eight hours) and is organised by promo_legno, in collaboration with:
Graz University of Technology (Austria), Institute of Timber Engineering and Wood Technology
University of Trento, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering (DICAM)
To register for the course or to find our more, please visit
Programme: Multi-storey wooden buildings course
Large-scale buildings: a 360o view
Andrea Bernasconi
Analysis of a large-scale wooden-structure project
Stages of project development: players and time-scales
Andrea Bernasconi
The individual phases of planning and execution, the interdisciplinary mix across various specialist fields
Technical physics, solutions, analysis and details
Robert Gasser
Aspects of technical physics applied to multi-storey wooden buildings
The influence of plant design on the construction process
Maria Rosaria Pes
Plant design in the on-site reality of wood constructions
The normative framework. Stability and resistance to fire
Maurizio Piazza
Innovative aspects of legislation on stability and fire prevention issues
Checklist for project definition and cost valuation
Maria Rosaria Pes
Scope statement, services required, time-scales and necessary information
Stages of execution
Stefano Canal
The interdisciplinary mix in the executive design phase
Past examples. Multi-storey wooden buildings
Alberto Alessi
A closer look at the construction industry in Europe and Italy in terms of multi-storey wooden buildings.
Cost of course attendance
Individual course attendance fee
€300 (+ VAT 22%)
Payment of this fee entitles you to:
- Complete documentation of lectures in digital format
- Promo_legno handbooks and magazines
- Lunch on the day
- Certificate of attendance issued by university partners