“Wood. Building the Future” Conference, 28/03/2014, Milan, Palazzo Giureconsulti

“Wood. Building the Future” Architectural Conference. Cutting-edge architecture in Europe.

28/03/2014 | 14:30 – 18:30

Palazzo Giureconsulti | Piazza Mercanti, 2 | Milan

2014-03-28 Convegno Milano 1

Presentation of best practices regarding sustainable development of cities, broaching topics such as enhancing energy efficiency and urban regeneration

We are witnesses to constant changes taking place in our cities, adapting to the needs of society and of norms and regulations, whilst respecting history and tradition. This flexibility brings with it continuous interventions in our urban spaces: splits, gashes, stitches, demolition, reconstruction, actions that both improve and worsen the quality of our urban areas and, as a consequence, the lives of their citizens.

What might be the right path to take, then, to ensure these changes are truly beneficial, sustainable and, most importantly, “green”?
Nobody has the answer to this question, but we can offer some potential solutions using certain examples from the national and international spheres presented at the “WOOD. Building the future” conference.

The case studies examined some of the problematic situations that local administration and building planners are often faced with, and all were construction projects made entirely of wood.


14.30 Reception of participants
14.45 Greeting and welcoming ceremony
Mr Claudio Giust, president of promo_legno Greeting from the authorities, institutional representatives and Professional Orders
15.15 The urban forest: an analysis of building patrimony and a proposal for its sustainable regeneration
Prof Elsa Garavaglia, president CCS School of Civil Architecture Polytechnic University of Milan Fabio Maroldi, teaching fellow in Theory and Planning of Constructions and Structures, co-director of ASMED continued professional development courses (DICA- Polytechnic University of Milan)
15.30 An office with a green heart:The technological centre of Reggio Emilia
A reconversion example for disused industrial areas Mr. Andrea Oliva, CittaArchitettura studio, Reggio Emilia
Coffee Break
16.30 RE-build, RE-qualify, RE-store with wood
Wood-based architecture in consolidated cities
Mr Alberto Alessi, director of Materialegno
17.00 WOOD – requalifying cities abroad: the Zurich example
burkhalter sumi architekten 
17.30 For an A-grade school…
Case history on school building in Austria Fink Thurnher Architekten 
18:00 Conclusion of conference and debate